The number of affordable homes started in London has fallen 88 per cent, new statistics have revealed, with some boroughs starting just one new affordable...
Tag - London
Landlords in London sought to make more accelerated repossession claims after a so-called ‘no-fault eviction’ order was ignored in the three months to...
Sadiq Khan’s decision to fund free lunches for every primary school child in London has brought “significant benefits” for the capital’s children, parents and...
Hefty fines in store for London pet owners as 33% choose not to microchip, despite recent law change.
Proposals for a ‘London Art Trail’ linking all 32 of the city’s boroughs will be debated this week in a bid to spread culture to every corner of the capital.
Proposals for the Night Tube to run on Thursday nights are being kept “under review”, Sadiq Khan has said.
Black people in London were almost four times as likely to be stopped and searched by police than white people last year, new figures show.
Taylor Swift caused a surge in Tube journeys this month, as more than 400,000 fans tapped in and out of Wembley Park station to attend five performances by the...
Groups of blind and partially sighted people in London are encouraging residents to cut back their foliage to increase their independence.
An increase in reported sexual offences on the Tube and bus network is “a positive sign” that more people are alerting the authorities when it happens...
Sadiq Khan has been urged to call on the new Government to legally regulate drug-taking amid a rising number of fatal overdoses from synthetic opiods across...
North London residents have gone 18 months with no recycling bins on an estate they say has suffered from poor maintenance and ongoing disrepair.
GP surgeries across North London have increased the number of available appointments and reduced waiting times – but inadequate funding, poor staff retention...
One of EC1’s claims to historical fame is as the first place in London where local-authority housing appeared.
London’s nightlife industry has warned that strict licensing laws, problems with crime, and eye-watering costs are pushing venues to the brink.
Disposable income in UK cities rises by as much as 30% in 2024, but London still lags behind
London suffered a net loss of around 40 pubs and bars last year, while at the same time employing a record high number of staff in the sector, new data reveals.
A quarter of people in north central London struggle to get an appointment with an NHS dentist, new survey data suggests.
Sadiq Khan’s policing deputy has accused the last Tory Government of throwing the Metropolitan Police “under the bus” and “whipping up hatred” in London.
Photographer Chris Dorley Brown has been documenting London’s East End all his working life.
Fewer greenhouse gas emissions were released into the atmosphere in Islington in 2022, new figures show.
Sadiq Khan is forecast to miss a key milestone in his mission to encourage Londoners away from using their cars towards greener modes of transport, his deputy...
Hundreds of affordable homes are being built in London with “no one to take them”, as housing associations are less able and willing to buy them, City Hall was...