
As a not for profit publication we rely on the generous support of our community. We look to our readers, who recognise the value of independent journalism, to help support us.

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Individual Membership
Become an individual member for £3, £5 or £10 per month.

£3 per month: name in print and online, pin badge
£5+ per month: name in print and online, pin badge, tote bag, paper posted to you every month

Organisational Membership

Become an organisational member for £10, £20 or £50 per month

£10 per month: name in print and online, 10% discount on advertising
£20 per month: name and logo in print and online, 20% discount
£50 per month: name and logo in print and online, 40% discount, six free small adverts per year

If you have any issues with registering please email: [email protected]

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About EC1 Echo

EC1 Echo is your free local independent community news website. We publish stories to the web across the week and offer a platform for local people to highlight what matters to them. EC1 Echo is a not-for-profit project in partnership with the Peel Institute. Please consider becoming a subscriber supporter from £3.00 per month.
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