
Kung Fu Fundraiser is a resounding success

A children’s Kung Fu fundraiser has raised over £3,000 so far for The Peel’s food distribution work.

By Kristina Shopova Sharif, Kung Fu Zone Instructor

A group of children in red and black kung fu outfits doing press ups
Photo: Almaz Huseynova

Sunday 1st October was not just any ordinary day for us at Kung Fu Zone. It was a culmination of our ethos, our teachings, and our commitment to the community. Over 50 of our youngest members, gathered under our banner, not just to showcase their Kung Fu forms and grappling techniques but to champion a cause close to our hearts – supporting The Peel Institute.

From the first ray of sunlight, there was an undeniable buzz. Children in their martial arts attire practised, parents exchanged stories, and our team made sure everything was set for a day of learning, competition, and giving. The atmosphere was a mix of intense focus, unbridled enthusiasm, and the kind of community spirit that reminds you of the power of coming together.

Two photos of a group of children in red and black kung fu outfits with swords
Photo: Almaz Huseynova

Each event segment, be it the Kung Fu forms demonstration or the gripping grappling matches, told a story. A story of perseverance, of hours of practice, and of the sheer will to be the best. The medals, gleaming in the light, found their rightful place around the necks of our young champions, each symbolising not just skill but a journey.

But what set this day apart was the underpinning theme of charity. At Kung Fu Zone, we believe that martial arts teach more than just physical skills. They instil values of respect, empathy, and community. Our event sought to embody these values by raising funds for The Peel Institute, an organisation that has been a beacon of hope and support for so many.

2 children in red and black kung fu outfits sparring with an adult looking on
Photo: Almaz Huseynova

The feedback we received was overwhelming. Parents spoke of the pride they felt, watching their children perform, and the joy of seeing them learn about the importance of giving back. Many shared touching anecdotes; like the young boy who broke his piggy bank to contribute, or the girl who spoke about wanting to help others, inspired by the day’s events.

As we look to the future, there’s another piece of exciting news we’re thrilled to share. Kung Fu Zone is on the brink of opening its own full-time premises in Clerkenwell next month. This isn’t just a space for training; it’s a dream years in the making, a community hub where learning, growth, and giving will go hand in hand.

In essence, Sunday 1st October wasn’t just about Kung Fu or medals. It was a celebration of our shared values, our dreams for the future, and the community we’re privileged to serve. We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who was a part of this remarkable day and look forward to welcoming you to our new home soon!

A large group of children in red and black holding medals and certificates
Photo: Scarlett Gregory

Find out more about Kung Fu Zone on our website.

You can still donate here.

Funds raised are going to The Peel’s food support programme, started during the cost of living crisis. Initiatives include food parcels/fresh ready meals, food pop-ups, and there is a food co-operative in the pipeline. For more information, and to get involved please email Scarlett Gregory – [email protected]

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